April-Lynn Levitt

Spring clean your practice

Are you feeling unmotivated? Here's help.

By April-Lynn Levitt |April 10, 2014

2 min read

5 ways to strengthen your team

Try these easy, low-cost ways to boost employee appreciation.

By April-Lynn Levitt |July 26, 2013

2 min read

Foster a better business culture

If you had to define the culture in your office, what words come to mind? I’ve heard advisory firms described as professional, competitive, fun and creative. If you’re trying to foster a better culture within your practice, try these steps.

By April-Lynn Levitt |April 26, 2013

2 min read

You need a Plan B

Do you have a contingency plan in place for critical illness, disability, or death?

By April-Lynn Levitt |November 16, 2012

3 min read

10 steps to achieve your goals in 2012

Call it the February Effect. We start the year off with a new set of business and personal goals but after that initial burst, it can be hard to stick to it to create meaningful, lasting change.

By April-Lynn Levitt |January 25, 2012

4 min read

Work ON your practice, not just IN it

One of the biggest challenges we see as coaches, is that financial advisors are so busy working IN their business that they don’t have any time to work ON their business. Responding to clients, dealing with staff issues, compliance, paperwork and “putting out fires” consumes most of the day. There is little time left to work on long term planning which will improve your practice, grow revenues and reduce stress.

By April-Lynn Levitt |December 6, 2011

4 min read

Sharing, delegating that work load

When coaching advisors, one of the most important things our team works on is how to get the advisor focused on the important client-facing tasks and delegate the rest to their team.

By April-Lynn Levitt |October 28, 2011

1 min read

A crisis of confidence

Recently I met with an investment advisor. I could tell immediately he simply wasn’t himself. He admitted his “head hasn’t been in the game for some time now”. He was thinking of leaving the business.

By April-Lynn Levitt |September 23, 2011

3 min read

Perfect time for a fresh start

Autumn and finally being back to school. I really loved this time of year. I loved the new notebooks, pencils, school clothes and even the thought of getting back to work. For me, it still seems like even more of a fresh start than January 1. Those in the Jewish faith are familiar with this […]

By April-Lynn Levitt |October 7, 2010

2 min read