Gen Y

Get young people to talk about money

When I was a child, my mother never discussed her income, or whether the family was struggling financially. As an adult, I learned this was because she didn’t want me discussing these issues with friends. But I now realize this was a missed opportunity to teach me about money, and for her to explain why it was a sensitive topic.

By Caroline Hanna |March 7, 2014

3 min read

Don’t discount Gen Y

Last year, I got married and my husband and I bought a condo. Our lavish wedding, and the down payment for our home, was funded largely by savings, along with some generosity from our families. Even though we pulled it off, not all your Gen Y clients will be as lucky.

By Suzanne Sharma |February 7, 2014

3 min read

How to talk to Gen Y clients

One of your wealthy clients referred her daughter to you. She’s 27, works in media relations, and just bought her first condo. She’s ambitious and plans to climb the corporate ladder—she’s had two promotions in two years, and should crack six figures within the year. Her busy career and social life keep her smartphone glued to her hand. She wants to discuss her goals and investment options. How do you communicate with her?

By Rosemary Smyth |February 7, 2014

2 min read

6 trends that will change the world

Demographics, economics, attitudes and technology will be in flux for the next couple of decades.

By Linda Nazareth |January 29, 2014

3 min read