Estate Planning

When to use incentive trusts

Address the downside of inherited wealth

By Elaine Blades |September 18, 2015

5 min read

Can you really protect executors from liability?

Many people do not realize that a trustee faces a myriad of legal and fiduciary responsibilities.

By Keith Masterman |September 10, 2015

5 min read

Make sure clients understand Graduated Rate Estates

New federal trust rules come into effect in January 2016

By Frank Di Pietro |September 8, 2015

4 min read

Could GREs cause more complications for executors?

And while are happy with the news that CRA will allow the use of graduated rates for estates that have multiple wills, some state it could also cause more headaches between executors.

By Suzanne Sharma |July 23, 2015

2 min read