Make sure you see prospects again

By Bryce Sanders | October 17, 2012 | Last updated on September 21, 2023
3 min read

You meet an interesting couple at a social event. They’re smartly dressed and well connected. They would be good clients.

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Now that the evening’s over, how do you make sure you’ll see them again? Follow these strategies.

Before leaving the event

  • Approach unobtrusively – You chatted earlier and it went well. Instead of finding them again during the event, reconnect at the coat check or valet parking station. Now you have an unhurried window of time.
  • Mention the next event – You might be attending an exhibition opening or a social night at your golf club. These are regularly scheduled events, so say you look forward to seeing them at the next event. If they respond enthusiastically, suggest going together.
  • Invite them for a post-event snack – Many events feature crowded bars and speedy waiters with finger food, which leave guests still hungry. Planning to eat afterwards? Ask them to come. In these situations people understand you are not picking up the cheque.
  • Say, “We have a lot of shared interests. I would like to stay in touch” – First, mention your shared interest. Then, put the ball in their court. It’s likely they will offer a business card or e-mail address on a cocktail napkin. Offer your card in return. I prefer to write first names, home phone number and the subject we talked about on the back of the card, presenting it handwritten side forward.

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  • Say, “I had a good time. I may be giving you a call” – Groups like chambers of commerce publish members’ contact information in a directory. This assumptive close takes the pressure off them by signaling you already have their coordinates.

After the event

Days or weeks have gone by. You want to maintain the relationship. How do you discreetly get back on their radar? It’s just like dating. Don’t sit around waiting for the phone to ring. Here’s how:

  • Call about the next event – You met at last month’s meeting. Are they planning on going to the upcoming meeting? Suggest getting together for a drink beforehand.

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  • Invite them based on personal interests – They love antiquing. So do you. An antique fair is coming up at the convention center, let them know you’re going. Ask if they would like to come along, and suggest taking one car to save on gas and parking. That gives you a captive audience.
  • Invite them to your home or a restaurant – This can be tricky; they may wonder about ulterior motives. To bring the balance into your favour, invite another couple known to you and your invitees. This eases tension. They can vet you with the other couple beforehand. Plus, you both have another couple with whom you can make conversation if everyone doesn’t hit it off.

Make it easy for them

Most important, when you see them again, fill in the blanks. For instance, you can say, “When we met at the museum reception, you were headed off on a vacation to Argentina. How was it?”

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They may not remember you as well as you remember them. Your prompts fill awkward gaps, and makes you more likable.

Bryce Sanders

Bryce Sanders is President of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc. in New Hope, PA. His book “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” is available on