Daniel Dochylo

Don’t let clients claim legal losses late

Some of the more mundane aspects of the law revolve around time: the calculation of notice periods; the periods in which court documents must be served and filed; the number of days before a trial that expert reports must be filed.

By Daniel Dochylo |April 1, 2012

5 min read

Waiving survivor benefits

Almost all pensions provide for joint and survivor benefits. This means when a pensioner dies, his or her spouse can continue to receive benefits.

By Daniel Dochylo |June 1, 2011

5 min read

Legal pitfalls of charity pledges

You don’t usually hear about the unenforceability of pledges. This is because the vast majority of pledges to charity are honoured. They are simply paid by the donor without dispute. But promises to donate to charity are not enforceable. A promise to make a gift speaks to a future event. The gift is incomplete until […]

By Daniel Dochylo |February 11, 2011

5 min read

Dependant’s relief

Measures available to become self-sufficient; Needs and an accustomed standard of living; Age and physical and mental health; His or her ability to contribute to support; The claimant’s current assets and means; The claimant’s current assets and means; His or her ability to contribute to support; Age and physical and mental health; Needs and an […]

By Daniel Dochylo |October 1, 2010

7 min read

Managing a dependant’s relief claim

In estate administration, an advisor may at some point come across a claim for dependant’s relief – that is, an order for support for a particular dependant from the estate of a deceased person. While the definitions may differ between provinces, in Ontario, a dependant can be one or more of the following, to whom […]

By Daniel Dochylo |October 1, 2010

7 min read