CFP exam pass rate was 67% in May

By Staff | July 22, 2021 | Last updated on July 22, 2021
1 min read
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The overall pass rate for the May sitting of FP Canada’s CFP exam, which could be done in-person or online, was 67%.

Out of the 790 candidates, 546 were first-time writers — and their pass rate was 73% — while 244 were re-attempting the exam, and their pass rate was 53%.

Tashia Batstone, president and CEO of FP Canada, extended congratulations in a release, noting participants had to overcome “significant challenges associated with the pandemic to challenge the CFP exam.”

The next sitting of the exam will be in mid-October, when the next QAFP exam will also be administered.

“Given the interest in both in-person and online proctored exam, FP Canada remains committed to giving candidates choice and flexibility during this challenging time,” Batstone said. staff


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